I always pay attention to what Gregor writes because it is always pertinent, mostly insightful and generally causes a reaction in me, for or against. And his 10 reasons really had me thinking, shit could he be right? I grew up as a dyed-in-the-wool union kid, who was obsessed with Auckland and the Ranfurly Shield. And now I watch little or no union (ABs aside) but could watch 8 games of NRL a weekend if I wasn't a Dad, and I consume so much NRL content (NRL360, podcasts, mates chat etc) You think to yourself that it will surely never turn in this country...but, maybe?

PS: Please never worry about dropping into my inbox too much. It is genuinely a joy every time

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Congrats on the birthday, never apologise for self indulgent jibber jabber mate.

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A real achievement to reach three years Dylan. Congrats and keep up the thought provoking, interesting and topical feed to my inbox please.

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I must say I roll my eyes at what gets traction politically in sport. If you look at it objectively it’s not the graveness of the offence that matters, it’s whether there is a cause against that has traction. And the two don’t always have the causal link you’d expect. The Taliban are pretty offensive by all measures yet somehow that’s OK. I’d also point out the alliance they have with China, which might explain why several Asian nations don’t have a problem. I’ve given up trying to understand which causes are deemed to be virtuous and which are not.

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Three years!

Awesome Dyls

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The Americas cup snippet is interesting (but also plays into your birthday link to your very first article - the lack of on-site coverage) - I imagine if Martin Tasker was there day in day out beaming into one news there would be a pick up.

But let's be straight, it's not the Americas Cup (yet), it's the Louis Vuitton Cup (series, whatever). I've found the LVC to be pretty much a non-starter since we moved to these new style of boats - there just simply isn't enough challengers. There is no intrigue.

The LVC used to be a proper competition - 11 challengers in 2000, 9 in 2003 and 11 in 2007.

31 challengers across three events.

2013? - 3

2017 ? - 5

2021? - 3

2024 - 5

16 challengers across four events - woeful. Total "who cares" competition.

This coming from a lover of the Americas Cup

But you are right, it will pick up big time once the event proper starts.

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