Sep 9Liked by Dylan Cleaver

Frankly, it’s f@cking ironic karma if the Test against Afghanistan is ruined by ‘the covers being on’, given what is happening to women in that society.

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Afghan Cricket's social media is bloody well trolling this too - check out their video of 'unveiling the trophy'. They are laughing in the faces of other countries and players

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Sep 9Liked by Dylan Cleaver

Here's something that struck me, given the juxtaposition of both our main national men's sports teams playing at the same time - and who they are playing. Remember back when All Blacks vs Springboks matches attracted protest and tours were cancelled/disrupted?

Why is the same not happening when BlackCaps play Afghanistan now?

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Sep 9·edited Sep 9Liked by Dylan Cleaver

The Americas Cup being in Barcelona is a massive 'didn't read the room' moment given the antipathy towards tourists in that city currently. The rich spectators may give it a miss given the protests and violence aimed towards them. Given the low participation in this sport in general and virtual nil effort by the Cup 'organisation/company' (people forget its formula 1 not the sailing world cup) to engage with the public I'd love it if it got a miss in coverage also.

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Sep 10·edited Sep 10Liked by Dylan Cleaver

I'm not buying into the doom and gloom view of the All Blacks at present (not you, Dylan). Yes, the Argentinian loss in Wellington was dire, but two close losses in SA is not the time to write this team or Razor off. A team adjusting to a new coach and style, can't be evaluated in its entirety six games in. Yes, the last 20 minute trend is very troubling - Razor kept his starters on longer in Cape Town, as a reaction - but if Mackenzie kicks that goal to go ahead, there might be a different narrative to be 1-1 on the road to the double world champions.

I like Gregor as a writer but for him to say 'There’s a quality rugby team buried deep within this All Blacks squad – a side capable of producing multi-faceted, high-tempo attack – but the chances of it ever breaking out and fully blossoming in this World Cup cycle is maybe no more than 50:50' is ridiculous six months into a four-year cycle.

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Sep 10Liked by Dylan Cleaver

I wouldn't bother with covering the America's Cup. What's the point in that competition anymore?

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Sep 9Liked by Dylan Cleaver

Great to have you back on the tools. Looking forward to regular programming (from North America... where the sports analysis + passion + spectacle + product continues to underline why rugby, despite it's foundational strengths, is losing relevance in NZ (and globally)).

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Sep 9Liked by Dylan Cleaver

100% agree with you DC regarding the mistake in treating super rugby as a slightly elongated version of Possibles v Probables. the moving players around franchises and other NZR jiggery pokery totally undermines the comp. To survive they need to fully privatise the franchises and bring in a US style draft to keep it even. Can’t see that happening and suspect many more views of empty stands until it all winds up in a few years. As a rugby fan I find myself watching more NRL highlights - a proper comp where matches mean something with established rivalries, not a slow warm up for the international season

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Sep 9Liked by Dylan Cleaver

I think Argentine scored thirty-odd points against the ABs, not theory-odd (whatever that means!)

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We all agree that losing SA from SR has had a detrimental effect on the ABs. Until reading this, I thought the solution was to lure them back (as impossible as that would be). Now I agree that it's not, but what is?? How do we revive rugby in NZ, and fulfil our responsibilty to bolster the game in the pacific? I can't help but think it's a total ground-up rebuild is nessesary, and I don't believe the NZR is brave enough to do anything but tinker.

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