On PlayHQ - Adrian Seconi at the Otago Daily Times was the first to write about the abomination, in mid Sept https://www.odt.co.nz/sport/cricket/new-online-scoring-system-place

And he has written at least one more article since then plus keeps sniping at it in his cricket coverage and columns.

The first article was well before so-called ‘scoring’ was attempted on PlayHQ so there was a lot of fobbing-off with ‘the admin is good’. But his concerns all came to pass. Now the only defender outside the Otago Association is an ex-Volts coach

NZC just released a form of stats database for PlayHQ, but it’s on another website. That now makes FOUR different websites to use PlayHQ - one for admin, one for scoring, one for following games, and one for stats.

What were NZC thinking?

If only they thought about the kids and families and players and clubs and communities that make up the amateur game.

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Thanks Oscar, I will reference this in upcoming newsletter.

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