I think in broad strokes, Mils is right. Mackenzie is a better version of the old Beauden Barrett off the bench.

As first receiver, Damien isn't there, BB can fill the gap, but we miss a real first five (Richie or any other specialist).

Mackenzies impact off the bench in this era is unrivalled, he slices through tired teams like a red hot knife through butter.

I need to see someone else other than DMac running the cutter. It's not his best position and the ABs are suffering because of it. DMaK would have won bost the SA matches off the bench.

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Is that song karaoke or legit? Appalling. A folly from Dolly.

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Reading your column now Dylan while at the same time watching the Black Caps implode at the end of their first innings. Thank heaven for Glenn Phillips. The way some (most) of the wickets that have fallen after Mitchell's run out have been abysmally incompetent by the tail enders.

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