Jul 22, 2022Liked by Dylan Cleaver

Hi Dylan. They probably need a good deal like that. NZC’s deal with Spark could do with some robust analysis; as a tragic I was annoyed when they shifted but understand why, lot of eyeballs still watch cricket on Sky though; strategic error shifting even if better financially in short term?

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Hey Dylan,

A fellow Kiwi Substacker, David Farrier, goes into NFTs when he's not busy exposing Zuru and Arise Church's questionable antics in his newsletter, Webworm. Despite being a studious reader of Webworm, I still have NFI WTF it is about NFTs... So I suggest you look there.

In the BYC podcast, you questioned who would come to Russell at this time of year. As a motel mananer in Russell, I can confirm that not many people are coming actually - I've had plenty of time to read my newsletters and such like. The quiet winters we had pre-covid seem to have come back. Also, no sightings of Jason around town either..

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