Sep 6Liked by Dylan Cleaver

May I be the first pedant to point out that the test against Afghanistan starts on Monday.

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Yes, apologies, should read day three of the test. Mind blank.

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Sep 6Liked by Dylan Cleaver

If I was going to try to lean on the Taranaki bias I'd say Westown outside New Plymouth for the amazing Mountain views on a clear day but I'll go instead with Kina Golf Course, Tasman. A (9 hole) Cape Kidnappers for the rest of us, cheap green fees and views of the sea from almost all holes - and importantly the clubhouse deck. https://www.tasmangolfclub.com/

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Sep 6Liked by Dylan Cleaver

On the book swap, share a photo of the collection spine out. I know your's will be in landscape/wide view

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Sep 6Liked by Dylan Cleaver

On your way home north, call into Scargill GC a couple of kilometres inland from Greta Valley.

A semi hilly and difficult 9 hole country golf joy.

Good greens and some tough holes that make you wonder how it's rated so easy.

Typical country course, maintained by volunteers, the Saturday comp field rarely numbers over 20 players, but the after match is sometimes the best 2 hours of your week.

Lost New Zealand values and community commitment a plenty.

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Dylan — Tokorahi featured in the previous golf course book I did, Country Courses. It’s fantastic and surrounding countryside is gorgeous. I remember a hole called Everest which speaks for itself. Glad you enjoyed Roxburgh, it’s outrageous!

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Over the years I guess I’ve driven past the Rangatira Golf Course 10+ times at least. And that’s its main problem. It is on the way to somewhere south or north and generally not a destination in itself. But the scenery alone makes this one of MZ’s finest golf course. Spread over 3 terraces leading down to the Rangitīkei River; this course is mindblowingly beautiful.

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My golf course is not one you'll find on a list of the most picturesque courses in NZ but it has enough going for it to make me recommend it as a great test of golf and with surprising charm, nestled as it is between the former working class suburb of Petone (town of champions) and the light industrial area of Seaview, separated by the mighty Hutt River, the graveyard of 1000's of balls sliced into it, as wannabe golfers hack there way north up holes 12, 13 and 14 into the teeth of a howling Northerly. Of those 1000's, 100's unfortunately, must be mine. That Northerly busting down the Hutt Valley is also the reason why tee shots coming back down can make one feel like Bryson du Robbo. The greens are like billiard tables with subtle contours, the fairways are brilliantly maintained, the variety of holes is a test for anyone and the course itself is smack in the heart of Lower Hutt city - unbelievable really. The flipside to the Northerly is the Southerly, turning the course into a raging monster that tames any thoughts of reaching the par 3 11th ( 130m) with the normal club (I'm embarrassed to say which), to thinking about possibly reaching for the driver. That southerly (think Wahine) is almost enough to make one think about cancelling the tee time.

It's also the course where I was going to break 80 for the only time, standing on the old 18th tee, a par 3 at the time, telling myself not to hit it in the large pond/lake fronting the tee and proceeding to do that and signing for an 81 - @#4!%$*&5 - ........ It's also the course where I was walking in one late afternoon in summer to do some practice i.e. aimlessly hit balls, when I met Michael Campbell, the great Cambo, walking out. He'd been playing in an exhibition round. I, in fanboy mode said something complimentary to him; he stopped and had a wee chat and he then gave me a ball which he autographed right there and then. Swoon. I still have it.

So for many reasons - its location, the course variety, the difficulty, the great condition, the memories, I rate the Shandon Golf Course as one of the best and affordable places to play in NZ.

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Favourite course in NZ is Wairakei

World class golf in a stunning natural setting + a wildlife sanctuary Doesn't get much better.

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Hallelujah New Zealand test cricket is back and able to be watched (if one has a Sky subscription). I feel like I need to watch with intent - the international murmurings of divisions/funds/the big six/the change in chair of the ICC make for an unsettled feeling.

And in the spirit of the 19th hole correspondent, I won’t whinge about Root’s multiple centuries in the enormous number of tests he gets to play. Good on him for doing so, would that Williamson had the same chance!

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I agree with the Roxborugh man. A good game but not quite good enough. SA have their world cup side still intact. ABs are starting again. Where will SA be in 2025. And what about the altitude in Johannesburg. We don't mention that anymore.

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